Morning Star Grain


This is the Morning Star Grain website for the Lennon Elevator (810) 621-3320
Max Moisture for Soybeans is 15 starting November 27, 2023.

Grain Delivery Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00AM -8:00PM.   Weather Dependant!
Grain delivered before 2:00 PM will be priced with that day's market close. Grain delivered after 2:00 PM will be priced with the following day market close.

DP Charge: Soy 16 cents per bushel per month. Corn 13 cents per bushel per month.    10 days Free. One month Minimum. 
 Sign up for an account under Member Login to receive
communication via text and email from Morning Star Grain! 


Local Cash Bids
Morning Star Grain Delivery Cash   Basis    
 Corn Chart Cash Corn    
  Chart NC Corn 2024    
 Soybeans Chart Cash Soy    
  Chart NC Soy 2024    
 Red Wheat Chart Cash Red Wheat    
  Chart NC 2025 Red Wheat    
Price as of 07/26/24 10:18PM CDT.
Click to view more Cash Bids

Local Conditions
Lennon, MI
Chg Zip Code: 
Temp: 64oF Feels Like: 63oF
Humid: 78% Dew Pt: 56oF
Barom: 30.18 Wind Dir: N
Cond: N/A Wind Spd: 0 mph
Sunrise: 6:23 Sunset: 9:03
As reported at OWOSSO, MI at 10:00 PM
Local Radar
Lennon, MI
Local Forecast
Lennon, MI





High: 83°F
Low: 56°F
Precip: 0%
High: 87°F
Low: 60°F
Precip: 0%
High: 84°F
Low: 69°F
Precip: 64%
High: 84°F
Low: 69°F
Precip: 70%
High: 85°F
Low: 67°F
Precip: 0%
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DTN Market Matters Blog
Editorial Staff
Friday, July 26, 2024 11:32AM CDT
DTN's weekly average spot price for domestic distillers dried grains is down $2 versus one week ago.
Monday, July 22, 2024 7:44AM CDT
Monday, July 22, 2024 7:44AM CDT

Quote of the Day

"The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand."

~ Vince Lombardi,  Legendary Football Coach

< July 2024 >
  1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31      

Quote Ticker
  • CORN (Sep 24) 394'6 -11'4 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • CORN (Dec 24) 410'0 -10'6 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • CORN (Mar 25) 424'6 -10'6 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Aug 24) 1071'6 -38'4 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Sep 24) 1040'2 -32'4 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Nov 24) 1046'4 -31'0 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Sep 24) 522'6 -14'2 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Dec 24) 547'6 -14'0 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Mar 25) 567'6 -13'6 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • LIVE CATTLE (Aug 24) 188.525 - 0.325 7/26/24   1:04 PM CST
  • LIVE CATTLE (Oct 24) 188.500 - 0.050 7/26/24   1:04 PM CST
  • OATS (Sep 24) 323'0 -6'6 7/26/24   1:15 PM CST
  • OATS (Dec 24) 312'2 -10'4 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • OATS (Mar 25) 328'6 -10'6 7/26/24   1:15 PM CST

Member Login

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Sep 24 405'6 406'4 394'0 394'6 -11'4 394'4s 03:57P Chart for @C4U
Dec 24 421'0 421'6 409'2 410'0 -10'6 410'0s 03:51P Chart for @C4Z
Mar 25 435'2 436'0 424'2 424'6 -10'6 424'4s 03:51P Chart for @C5H
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 1113'2 1117'2 1071'4 1071'6 -38'4 1077'4s 02:51P Chart for @S4Q
Sep 24 1068'6 1075'6 1038'6 1040'2 -32'4 1042'0s 01:20P Chart for @S4U
Nov 24 1077'6 1080'4 1045'0 1046'4 -31'0 1048'4s 03:28P Chart for @S4X
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Sep 24 537'0 541'2 522'0 522'6 -14'2 523'4s 03:59P Chart for @W4U
Dec 24 561'4 565'6 546'6 547'6 -14'0 548'4s 03:16P Chart for @W4Z
Mar 25 580'6 585'4 567'2 567'6 -13'6 569'0s 01:30P Chart for @W5H
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 189.000 189.325 188.250 188.525 - 0.325 188.575s 01:05P Chart for @LE4Q
Oct 24 188.600 189.025 187.900 188.500 - 0.050 188.550s 03:22P Chart for @LE4V
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Jan 30 Chart for @LH0F
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Sep 24 331'2 334'6 317'0 323'0 -6'6 322'2s 01:30P Chart for @O4U
Dec 24 324'6 330'0 310'0 312'2 -10'4 312'2s 01:30P Chart for @O4Z
Mar 25 328'6 -10'6 314'6s 02:30P Chart for @O5H
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